”We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

– Winston Churchill

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Crafts, manages and updates content for chapter communication channels.

Committee Chair: Kelsey Berkompas

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Develop and implement strategies to ensure chapter activities and membership is diverse, equitable and inclusive. Liaison with PRSA National’s DE&I efforts.

Committee Chair: Angela Klinske


Manages new member recruitment and member retention.

Committee Chair: Rick Chambers, APR

Professional Development

Promotes and inspires the continuum of ways to “up your PR game” through professional development throughout your career, including PR Certification program for college seniors/new graduates, APR, College of Fellows, etc.

Serves as a resource for public relations professionals and PR students at area universities to expand their networks and build relationships through mentorship opportunities. Plans, executes and/or promotes mentorship opportunities to WMPRSA and PRSSA students.

Committee Chair: Jill Simpson, APR


Plans monthly member programs, educational opportunities, mixers and handles sponsorship.

Committee Chair: Lindsey Rodarmer, MS

PRoof Awards

Plans the signature annual chapter awards program.

Committee Chair: Emma Nelson

”It’s easy to make a buck. It’s a lot tougher to make a difference.”

– Tom Brokaw