We offer professional development programs and events that meet your needs, interests, and locale.
Build your career through education and engagment.
Local Programs & Events
If you’re looking to connect with PR and communications colleagues in West Michigan, you’ve come to the right place. Check out our listing of upcoming programs and events to get involved with local chapter colleagues.
Regional Programs & Events
WMPRSA is a member of the East Central District of PRSA, which also includes Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. The District offers additional leadership forums, blogs, and award competitions to further professional development and career advancement.
National Programs & Events
PRSA is the nation’s leading professional organization serving the communications industry. PRSA offers a number of programs throughout the year, including APR certification, the Anvil awards, the ICON international conference, and Sectional events.
Cohort Groups
Cohort groups are a great way to get to know your peers and grow together within your professional development. We offer three cohorts based on length of time in PR and Communications.
PRoof Awards
The PRoof Awards are West Michigan’s local validation for chapter members who are doing great work. Lots of categories to choose from to measure yourself against your peers.